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Sat, May 25th @ 8:00 am - Sun, May 26, 2024 @ 5:00 pm
Chicago Open
RSVPs will display on your profile and club page. This could help with carpooling, shared housing, and to get others excited!
Register here: Registration Form
The 2024 Chicago Open, organized by the Evanston Go Club, will be held over Memorial Day Weekend, May 25-26. With 6 rounds over 2 days, we offer you the most intense tournament experience in the country. Come for the chance to play serious games and reunite with your go-playing friends!

Featuring: Kim Jiseok 9P
World Champion and 2023 US Go Congress favorite Kim Jiseok 9p will be attending the Chicago Open! He will be giving lectures, presenting commentaries of his games, and holding audience Q&A sessions. See the schedule below for his planned activities. He will also be available during and between rounds to review tournament games. 

Whether it be a personal insight into his moves, lessons drawn from his elite performances, or the chance to ask a world champion anything, Kim Jiseok 9P will have something for Go players of any level. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your joy for Go with one of the world’s best at the biggest weekend event of the year!

For full details, please consult our event document

See Who has registered: Who's Coming

Like last year, we are hosting the tournament at the Evanston Holiday Inn. The hotel is offering discounted accommodations and parking for all tournament participants. 

To book discounted rooms at the tournament venue, use this link: Holiday Inn.

Players may order lunch and dinner with us. Lunch on both days will be provided by Tealicious Bubble Tea and consist of a bento + drink. Dinner will be a Mediterranean buffet provided by Pita Inn. Both lunch and dinner are vegetarian friendly. 


Early bird pricing (until May 5th) 
Open $75
Main $60

Regular pricing
Open $85
Main $70
*Youth ($10) and group ($5) discounts available. Consult the registration form for details.
*1-day pricing also available.

Corporate sponsor:
CMT Digital is a leading global blockchain and web3 venture capital firm focused on early-stage investments that accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology. Founded in 2015, they were one of the earliest investment firms to allocate capital into the digital asset ecosystem. By 2018 they made their first venture investment and have invested in over 150 blockchain and crypto-focused businesses, protocols, and tokens to date. They are investors in notable companies that are expanding the frontiers of web3, including Circle, Coinbase, ConsenSys, Crusoe Energy Systems, dYdX, FalconX, Hypernative, Sipher, Strike, and Zetachain among many others. CMT Digital is a division of CMT Group, which has been in operation for more than 25 years. Since inception, CMT Group has evolved into a diversified investment firm, with a portfolio that spans public and private equity, debt, real estate, technology, and digital assets.

Check out their careers and social media and get in touch with CMT here!

Other sponsors:
-Baduk Club
-Yellow Mountain
-Tealicious Bubble Tea
-Go Magic
-Tsumego Dragon
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