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Mon, Aug 21st @ 12:00 pm - Wed, Aug 30, 2023 @ 12:00 pm
The Nihon Ki-in SUMMER GO CAMP in Tokyo
RSVPs will display on your profile and club page. This could help with carpooling, shared housing, and to get others excited!
- Term: 21-30 August, 2023 - Place: Tokyo (Nihon Ki-in)
- Suitable Participants: 15 kyu to high dan amateur players

1. Main Contents:
- Workshops (*pro lectures)
- Simul Games and Reviews of Games
- League Tournament among participants from over the world
*The winner will be arranged to play a special match against a top famous pro of the Nihon Ki-in.
- Meijin Title Match
*Visit and watch the Meijin title match in a playing room of a five-star hotel in Tokyo!
- Goodwill Match
*With friendly Ama Japanese players (inc. students) who can communicate in English well
- Talk Session
*Famous Pro tells about himself. *Candidates: Ichiriki Ryo 9p, M. Redmond 9p
- Morel Exciting Events and Programs shall be planned and added.
*Note: all of the lectures and workshops will be conducted in English and/or English translations.

2. Fees
A. Participation Fee:
The basic course fee for participation will be only JPY 29,800!!!
*U-20 student will get even lower price, “JPY 19,800”
The above basic fee will cover the followings: all pro lectures, league tournament, 2 pro simul games, all goodwill matches, visit a venue of Meijin title match, original textbooks and gifts…

B. Upgrade/optional (Gold/Silver Member):
Gold: Extra 3 tickets of legendary top/high dan Pro teaching games, 3 games' reviews by selected pros, Front seat in a room of Meijin title match, special pro gift and more…
*To become Gold member, you just pay “additional 25,000 JPY”.
Silver: Extra 3 tickets of Pro teaching games, 1 game reviews by selected pro, seat in a playing room of Meijin title match, special gift and more…
*To become Silver member, you just pay “additional 15,000 JPY”.

3. Payment Methods
A. PAYPAL - If the fee is paid in PAYPAL before 30 May, 2023, 10% discount will be offered.
B. CASH - Payment by cash will be available for the first day of the Camp.
(Note: you can cancel the registration for free any time before 1 August 2023)
For inquiry or registration,
please email to
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event website
Nihon Ki-in
contact the organizer
7-2 Gobanchō, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-0076, Japan
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